Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

Growing your magical creatures – include learning in your backlog

When we talk about Scrum-teams and their interdisciplinary performance, it seems like many of us, have this team of experts in mind, which are theoretically able to fulfill every role and could do every job in the team. Unicorns, dragons, chimeras, wizards,... we call them. From my point of view- these team members sound a lot like Nessi or the yeti – they may very well exist - it’s just that I have never seen them. We often have a good mix in our team - some members are more junior than senior, which struggle with the software, the framework, themselves, additional tools,... others have specialties in one thing and only shallow understanding in others – and that is ok!

I’m currently working as a SCRUM master in a test automation project that struggles with multiple steep learning curves as we tackle understanding the product under test, building up our skill set and learning to function as a team. Given this particular context, the Product Owner and me have experimented applying my deep understanding of the theory of learning and putting it in practice in a team consisting of real people, real challenges and real learning needs resulting in an honest and valuable experience report.

I’d like to share some insights on how to train people within the project to make the group more homogenous in terms of knowledge sharing and teaching each other. Therefore the Product Owner and me include learning and especially learning goals into the backlog and apply SCRUM methods to them..

In my talk I will show you how, together, we moved the team forward in terms of learning and confidence. You will find out how to free up time to learn, set clear expectations and do a proper debriefing on learning goals.

Dr. Vera Gehlen-Baum

Dr. Vera Gehlen-Baum ist TeamLead für QualityLearning bei den QualityMinds. Sie hat zum Thema Lernen mit neuen Medien promoviert. Vera Gehlen -Baum verfügt über 6 Berufsjahre in den Bereichen ProductOwner, Test und ScrumMaster. Ihre besondere Expertise liegt in Bereich des agilen Lernens. Zu diesem Thema hat Vera Gehlen-Baum in diesem Jahr bereits einen Vortrag vor den United Nations in New York gehalten. Weitere Vorträge im Bereich Lernen und Testen runden ihr Portfolio ab.